Summer Vegetable Ratatouille with Pesto Shrimp using Nonna's Gourmet Marinara Sauce

  • 4c. Zucchini

    1. 4c. Yellow Squash

    2. 1 Tomato

    3. 1 Red Bell Pepper

    4. 1 Eggplant

    5. 1c. Red Onions (sliced thin)

    6. 1Tblsp. Garlic (chopped)

    7. 3Tblsp. Olive Oil for sautéing

    8. ¾ c. White Wine

    9. 1c. Caffe Nonna’s Marinara Sauce

    10. 1/8 c. Fresh Basil

    11. Kosher Salt / Cracked Black Pepper to taste

    1. First cut the zucchini, yellow squash, tomato, red bell pepper and eggplant each into a medium dice, set aside. Now slice the red onion. Set aside.

    2. Traditionally, the method would be to saute each vegetable on its own and then combine them together to finish. Although, to save some time you may saute them in olive oil in a large saute pan on medium heat. Saute them in a sequence starting with the eggplant, red bell pepper, zucchini, yellow squash, tomato, red onion and then the garlic.

    3. Sautéing the mixture around for 5-7 minutes will help blend the flavors of the vegetables together. Now add the white wine and bring to a slight boil. Add the Caffe Nonna Marinara Sauce and reduce the heat to a simmer for approximately 5-7 more minutes. Do not allow the sauce to reduce completely.

    4. Season with kosher salt and cracked black pepper and finish with the fresh basil.

    Serves 4 Entrees and 8 Appetizers